SPRING 2021: When can we travel again?

We are now in the Spring of 2021, one year after the coronavirus pandemic was first declared, and the question still remains: “when will it be safe to travel again?”

There is more hope this year due to the vaccination roll-outs underway around the world but we still have some ways to go before it starts impacting the return of leisure travel. Although there are still a lot of unknowns with no exact dates, don’t feel discouraged. In general, travel experts are optimistic that travel will slowly start opening up this year.

For those of us dreaming of our next trip, we gathered insights from various sources for their best predictions on the state of travel this year. For the latest official updates on travel, visit the website for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.

Air Travel

As far as international air travel goes, this may be the last area of travel to recover. People are advised to travel internationally with caution and to currently avoid if possible. Although many flights around the world are now available, many countries still have a lot of restrictions in place and only allow certain passport holders to enter. For example, with a few exceptions, Europeans still cannot travel to the US and Americans cannot travel to most European countries. For a list of countries that Americans can travel to right now, you can refer to this Afar.com article.


There are also new and constantly changing rules for international travel so travelers will need to research for each specific country. For example, all travelers to the US need to provide a negative COVID test from the past 3 days prior to boarding their flight. The IATA has a helpful map summarizing each country’s current regulations. You can currently make travel plans to open countries but note that there are risks related to cancellations, regulation changes and safety concerns. There may be more countries opening up during the summer but likely more significantly towards the end of the year.


Domestic air travel, on the other hand, is already in the midst of a recovery as many citizens are unable to go overseas. As vaccinations become more widespread, the ease of domestic travel will continue to improve. Currently, there is unlikely to be domestic travel restrictions within the US so it’s a fairly safe bet to make domestic travel plans for the summer. 

Road Trips / Staycations

Road trips and staycations are always an option to get your travel fix until international travel opens up. They were extremely popular last year and will continue to be so this year because of the reduced risk. It’s fairly safe to consider trips just a drive away and stay at a reputable hotel or an Airbnb following COVID safety protocols. The great outdoors also remains an enjoyable and safe option for those looking for a hassle-free getaway.


All cruise lines have been suspended and put on hold for the time being. Some countries like Canada have banned cruises for the remainder of the year but other countries will reconsider during the summer. Cruise Hive has a list of the status of major cruise lines and when they plan on resuming. The cruise industry has taken the biggest hit during the pandemic and will have to be extra careful with how they resume so as to not lose the trust of travelers.

Some optimism

So while there are still a lot of unknowns, we have a lot more information than we used to have and the travel industry is optimistic that we can travel safely again in the near future. So there’s no harm in starting to think about and plan for your future vacation!


We at Give a Day Global look forward to the day when international travel is back and passionate travelers can contribute to communities they visit during their vacation. When that time comes, consider one day volunteer opportunities


 As updates on COVID change every day, please be sure to look up the most up to date information before you hit the road. 

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