About This Project

A Snapshot of San Miguel de Allende
San Miguel de Allende is a small, historical city in the state of Guanajuato. Single mothers in this state are often in a bind: unable to both care for their children and earn a living to support their family at the same time.

Volunteering at Centro Infantil de los Ángeles
Cento Infantil de los Ángeles often welcomes volunteers to assist teachers and staff in providing a vibrant and positive environment for children in one of their day care classrooms. Volunteers can read and play with children, create arts/crafts, organize toys and supplies, and lend a hand during meal times. Click on the link below to learn more about the organization and about volunteer opportunities. You may contact them directly through their website or use the contact form below.


    Interested volunteer date :

    Number of volunteers*:

    [anr_nocaptcha g-recaptcha-response]


    San Miguel de Allende


    6 hours


    Monday through Friday


    Singles, Couples, Families, Small Groups

    Education in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico